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What is the life expectancy of my dog?
What is the life expectancy of my dog?

What is the life expectancy of my dog?

The old standard of "one dog year equals seven human years" is outdated. Dog-to-human age conversion varies and isn't a simple "one size fits all."

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Why Do Dogs Circle Before Laying Down?
Why Does My Dog Walk Around in Circles Before They Lay Down?

Why Do Dogs Circle Before Laying Down?

Circling around before lying down is likely a residual instinct from when their ancestors lived out in the wilderness.

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Signs of Poor Dog & Cat Dental Health
Signs of Poor Dental Health in Dogs and Cats

Signs of Poor Dog & Cat Dental Health

Periodontal disease affects 90% of adult dogs & cats. It leads to painful mouths and tooth loss. Untreated, it can cause chronic infections that spread to vital organs.

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How Do You Tell If Your Pet Is In Pain
How Do You Tell If Your Pet Is In Pain

How Do You Tell If Your Pet Is In Pain

Pets often hide pain, leading to undiagnosed diseases like arthritis. Dogs may lick excessively at painful areas, such as joints or hot spots on their paws.

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Safe Car Travel with Your Dog
Safely Traveling with Your Dog in the Car

Safe Car Travel with Your Dog

Driving with your dog loose in your vehicle can become a dangerous situation for you and your pet

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A Guide to Nail Trimming
A Guide to Nail Trimming

A Guide to Nail Trimming

It's easy to overlook how long our pet’s nails grow, but long nails can affect their overall well-being over time.

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Best Dog Related Songs
Best Dog Related Songs

Best Dog Related Songs

There have been countless songs released over the years, all with a common theme, our faithful companion, the dog.

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Feline Stomatitis
Feline Stomatitis

Feline Stomatitis

Stomatitis is a widespread inflammation of oral tissues, affecting gums, inner lips, tongue, and the roof or floor of the mouth.

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How Powerful Is a Canines Nose?
How Powerful Is a Canines Nose?

How Powerful Is a Canines Nose?

Dogs have more than 100 million sensory receptor sites in their nasal cavity. In comparison, humans have 6 million sensory receptor sites in their nasal cavity.

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Should I Adopt a Senior Dog?
Should I Adopt a Senior Dog?

Should I Adopt a Senior Dog?

Adopting a senior dog has many benefits. These dogs often had homes but now need love and care as much as, if not more than, young dogs.

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Giardia, a worldwide parasite, infects dogs, cats, and humans. It exists in two forms: a fragile trophozoite and a hardier cystic form.

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Why Is My Pet Dragging Their Bum?
Why Is My Pet Dragging Their Bum?

Why Is My Pet Dragging Their Bum?

Clients often will comment that their dog or cat is dragging their bum on the ground, so they assume their pet has worms.

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