204.253.2668 St. Vital Veterinary Hospital

Overweight Dog Help

January 17, 2019
Overweight dog sitting on grass

Many dogs are now looked at as “normal” when they are overweight. We need to be cautious of this false body perception that a bit overweight is okay. In fact, a few extra pounds can cause a number of different health problems.

When is a dog considered to be overweight?

There are many breeds and body types. We use a body condition scanner to determine if your pet is overweight. You should be able to feel the ribs and backbone without pushing through a layer of fat.

Are some breeds prone to obesity?

Any breed can become obese.

Why should my dog have a weight loss consultation at the hospital?

Our veterinarians can determine if any health issues are contributing to your pet’s weight gain. Our team can also provide you with weight loss counselling, a tailored diet and monitoring.