New Clients

Welcome to St. Vital Veterinary Hospital! Whether you arrived here through word of mouth, or stumbled upon us, let us show you how we are the right fit for guiding your pet’s health for years to come. Take a virtual tour of our hospital and learn what to expect as a new client.

Take a Tour

To take a virtual tour inside St. Vital Veterinary Hospital, click the picture below.

What to Expect


Your call will be answered by one of our friendly receptionists, who will find an appointment that best suits your needs. Should you be placed on hold, or very rarely encounter a busy signal, please be assured our receptionists are busy helping other pet owners and will do their best to reduce the inconvenience of any wait times.

We are frequently asked about the costs of an office call. Charges vary based on the type of visit. Please ask for specifics when you make your pet’s appointment. Appointments are never required for emergency visits. Learn more about our payment policy.


When you arrive for your appointment, you will be greeted warmly by one of our receptionists, who will weigh your pet and record it in their medical chart (cats are kept in their carriers to be weighed in rooms). We have separate waiting areas for dogs and cats in order to minimize stress to our feline friends. You will be ushered into an examination room as soon as we have one available. Our goal is to see all of our clients and patients on time, and although we have contingencies for emergencies, there will be times where the unexpected will create delays. We will ensure these delays are minimized as much as possible.

You will normally see a Registered Animal Health Technologist (RAHT) first who will take a detailed history for the veterinarian, your pet’s temperature, and a basic review of your pets medical chart and any specific concerns you may have. A veterinarian will see you next, thoroughly examine your pet, answer your questions, administer vaccinations and plan further diagnostics or treatment as necessary based on their physical exam findings. You will normally see the RAHT again to have blood drawn for Heartworm / 4dx testing or vaccine titres, and they will provide you with relevant educational information and answer routine wellness/care questions for you. You will then see one of our receptionists, who will handle payment and schedule any needed followup.


When our pets become ill, it can be a very stressful time. There are so many uncertainties about what the outcome will be, the costs, the time and depth of involvement. Rest assured, we are here to guide you through the many decisions that you may face.

A RAHT will take a very thorough history to determine if there are any external factors responsible for your pet’s illness (access to toxins like rat bait or antifreeze, human medications, homeopathic/naturopathic remedies, garbage, plants), travel history, surgical and medical history, current medications. Have you seen any changes in behaviour, appetite, thirst or energy? Report any vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, sneezing, decrease in stamina or change in bladder or bowel habits. These are just some of the types of questions that will be asked.

The veterinarian will thoroughly examine your pet and report any abnormal or concerning findings. Based on the history and physical exam, your veterinarian will determine a list of differentials and will provide you with a health care plan. This will be a summary of charges that may be incurred for recommended diagnostic tests, services or procedures to help rule out or in differentials and determine the cause of your pet’s illness. If your pet is very sick (dehydrated, in pain, feverish, has not been eating, is vomiting or has diarrhea), the recommendation may be made to hospitalize your pet and provide appropriate, necessary nursing care while diagnostics are being performed.

Your pet’s veterinarian or RAHT will contact you at least once during the day with a medical report and status update, or if a significant change occurs in your pet’s condition. Some owners wish to visit their hospitalized pets. We ask owners to call prior to visiting, as seeing a family member can cause some pets to become unsettled or nervous after successfully acclimating to the hospital setting.

In some cases, the involved treatment and degree of your pet’s illness will require constant, 24-hour hospitalization. In these cases, we transfer to the local Winnipeg Animal Emergency Clinic for continued care to improve patient outcome and wellbeing.

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