Surgery Services

From surgery to the process of recovery, ensuring your pet's safety is our utmost priority.

At St. Vital Veterinary Hospital, we offer spays, castrations, mass removals, dental cleanings, extractions, most gastrointestinal surgeries and eye surgeries. We also offer orthopedic surgeries through a board-certified orthopedic surgeon based in Manitoba.

What types of surgical services do you provide for dogs?

At St. Vital Veterinary Hospital, we offer spay and neutering, dentistry and a variety of soft-tissue surgeries.

What anesthetic protocol do you use?

Anesthesia and sedation are important parts of surgical procedures. At St. Vital Veterinary Hospital, we strive to provide effective and proper pain management protocols. Patient comfort during and post-surgery is essential. Anesthesia includes custom induction techniques, along with gas or injectable anesthetics depending on what is safest for your dog. Our hospital offers electronic monitoring, along with personal monitoring by a veterinarian and registered veterinary technologist to ensure safe and effective recoveries.

Do you specialize in any surgeries?

A board-certified surgeon regularly visits our practice to provide specialized surgical services.

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