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Close up of a black pug dog looking sad

Dog Anal Gland Expression

Normally, dogs express their anal glands naturally when they have a bowel movement. Sometimes, the anal glands may get too full and make it difficult to express. There are a number of reasons this could happen. Our veterinarians can examine your dog to determine if your pet is having issues expressing their anal glands and offer advice on how to prevent it from reoccurring.

Should I drain my dog’s anal glands at home?

Our veterinarians can instruct you on how to express your dog’s anal glands if they have ongoing anal gland issues that can be managed appropriately at home.

If my dog scoots on the carpet, does this mean their anal glands are impacted?

Some scooting is normal. Repeated scooting can indicate that the dog is uncomfortable. It is always best to have a veterinarian rule out an impaction or other medical issues.


dog laying on bed

Why Does My Dog Walk Around in Circles Before They Lay Down?

Circling around before lying down is likely a residual instinct from when their ancestors lived out in the wilderness. Your dog’s ancestors would have paced in circles to flatten down and warm their sleeping area.

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