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Arthritis Treatment for Dogs

What are the symptoms of arthritis in dogs?

Some symptoms of arthritis in dogs include joint stiffness, intermittent lameness and reluctance to go on walks.

What causes arthritis in dogs?

Arthritis means inflammation of a joint. The causes are numerous and can include hip dysplasia, cruciate ligament rupture, and patellar (knee cap) luxation to name a few. Working, athletic and obese dogs are most at risk as they are placing more stress on their joints. Dogs with medical conditions like Cushing’s disease are also at risk.

What are some treatment options for arthritis in dogs?

Weight management is a critical component of treatment for arthritis in dogs. Many other modalities can be used and may include special diets, physical therapy, pain management, muscle strengthening and chondroprotective treatments.

Can I give my dog Aspirin?

Please consult your veterinarian before giving any over the counter medications.


dog laying on bed

Why Does My Dog Walk Around in Circles Before They Lay Down?

Circling around before lying down is likely a residual instinct from when their ancestors lived out in the wilderness. Your dog’s ancestors would have paced in circles to flatten down and warm their sleeping area.

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