Fecal Exam

Regular fecal exams are crucial for cat health, detecting and treating internal parasites.

Fecal examinations are not only limited to parasite screenings, but they can also be used to test for certain deficiencies or help determine the cause of chronic diarrhea.

What is a cat fecal parasite screen?

A cat fecal parasite screen is a diagnostic test that can be done in a hospital or at an outside laboratory. The screen checks the stool sample for the presence of parasite eggs or parasites.

What does a fecal parasite screen reveal?

A fecal parasite screen will test for the presence of tapeworm, roundworm, hookworm, giardia and coccidia. Other less common parasites can also be determined.

How is a fecal parasite screen performed?

A small amount of stool (about 1 tbsp) is mixed with a special solution to help parasite eggs float. The sample is placed in a test tube and spun at high speeds in a centrifuge. By doing this, the eggs move to the top of the test tube where they are collected and place on a microscope slide for evaluation.

What is the best method for collecting my cat’s stool?

With stool, we recommend the freshest sample possible. Stool over 12 hours old can rarely give any answers. We recommend placing the sample in a plastic bag and bringing it with you for the appointment or at a predetermined time as discussed with your veterinarian.

How much does a cat stool test cost?

Please contact the hospital if you would like to schedule your cat for a stool test. We can discuss an appointment time and the price associated with a fecal examination.

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