

Tamara Practice Manager

Tamara is responsible for overseeing our day-to-day operations. While Tamara has been an animal lover all her life, her journey to veterinary medicine began at the age of 12 when she started volunteering at a local vet clinic. From there she was hooked and jumped at any opportunity to work with animals; volunteering in shelters, clinics, and even pet stores became her favourite pastime.

Over the years Tamara has worked in pet retail, grooming, and rescue but for the last 19+ years, Veterinary Medicine is where she has thrived. She has a keen interest in animal nutrition, practice management, team building, client education, continuing education and takes pride in helping others develop and grow their passion for Veterinary Medicine. She believes in maintaining and growing clinic culture for the patients, clients, team, and the ever-changing world of Veterinary Medicine.

Tamara lives in Rural South East Manitoba with her husband and 3 children. They have 2 horses (Jackson and Babe) , a few barn cats and just add to the craziness inside the house they have 3 dogs Tucker (Sealyham Terrier), and Jasper (Lab), and Shadow (Lab/Shepherd). The 2 indoor cats Simon, and Belle round out the troop and keep things under control....or at least they seem to think they do! Tamara is a community orientated person and volunteers with various organizations in her community. In the winter months, she can usually be found at the Hockey rink following her kids hockey teams or referee assignments.  She spends the summer months enjoying the outdoors or relaxing at the family trailer in Hillside Beach.