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Closeup of vet cleaning a dog's teeth with a tooth brush

Dental Care for Dogs

Your dog needs dental care just like you! Periodontal disease is the most commonly diagnosed disease in adult dogs. Bad breath, tartar build-up, red and swollen gums are all symptoms of the disease. At St. Vital Veterinary Hospital, we believe strongly in preventative medicine. We provide a full range of dental care services to help your dog live a longer and happier life.

What types of canine dental care services are offered at your hospital?

Each dog is unique and their needs will vary. Our veterinary team will work with you and your pet to develop a plan best suited for your dog. All of our dental procedures are performed under general anesthesia and may include scaling, polishing, extractions and dental x-rays.

How often should I brush my dog’s teeth?

Just like humans, pets need their teeth brushed too. Ideally, pets should have their teeth brushed daily; although, our team understands that this is not always possible. If you would like ideas, pointers or have questions about brushing, please contact us! We are happy to help.

Why is oral and dental health important?

Oral and dental health are a very important part of your dog’s overall health. Dental disease can cause many issues including pain and infection. It can even affect internal organs like the heart and kidneys.


dog laying on bed

Why Does My Dog Walk Around in Circles Before They Lay Down?

Circling around before lying down is likely a residual instinct from when their ancestors lived out in the wilderness. Your dog’s ancestors would have paced in circles to flatten down and warm their sleeping area.

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